Two Witnesses: Adam’s Passover

Available Now on Xphinity Media

Passover in this country is an afterthought, or at best a non issue, unless you’re of the “Jewish” religion, then you are probably used to celebrating some facsimile of it by tradition. Christians celebrate Easter in the stead of Passover which for the life of me I didn’t understand what rabbits and rabbit laying eggs had to do with the so called resurrection. You can actually learn the truth about this in one of Hebrew’s literary offerings, but I digress. As my partner in truth and music, Elimelech Hebrew, has been revealing and teaching to us since 2011 that Passover is all about Adam as we were commanded to remember it as well as our New Years Day Abib 1st. 2011 was when we were released of the spiritual bondage that Isaiah prophesied about that had the hearts, eyes, and ears of our people closed and shut from understanding, seeing, and hearing the voice of Adam as he passed over us, as he did in the days of Moses and the Hebrew slaves in Mizraim/Eygpt. Fast forward eleven years laters in 2022/5782 the voice of Adam is being heard throughout the world also as prophesied. Here we are in 2024/5784 in America, the voice of Adam is still being heard and Elimelech Hebrew has pinned a fitting tribute to Adam, our meshiach and messiah, that elevates him to his proper place in the hearts and minds of the world entitled Adam’s Passover. This jewel for the world was co-produced by Hebrew and myself, being the other half of the duo Two Witnesses along with Hebrew.

Adam’s Passover is the first single release from the forthcoming LP “Restored.” This collage of material in its entirety is a tribute to, and gives the rightful glory to, the only begotten son of Elohim, Adam. The lyrical truth in each composition is glowingly ethereal, and moves upon the face of the musical waters breaking through the darkness of secularity in a world in dyer need of light and truth. Only minimal differences separate the duo’s previous outing “Standing Ovation,”  which used the same formula as “Restored” but in all its glory was more-so a tribute to the creator Elohim. With that being said both of these collections of praise should be taken in succession as they both honor the Father Elohim, the son Adam, and the Holy Spirit Yahweh with all due benevolence and should be welcomed listening musical education for all ages and nations.

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