Two Witnesses: Restored

As my partner in truth and music, Elimelech Hebrew, has been revealing and teaching to us since 2011 that Passover is all about Adam as we were commanded to remember…

Two Witnesses: Adam’s Passover

Available Now on Xphinity Media Passover in this country is an afterthought, or at best a non issue, unless you’re of the “Jewish” religion, then you are probably used to…

Quiet Amidst the Chaos

Part One: Basic Introductions Hi, My name is Eliana Hebrew.  I am married to a Prophet, Elimelech Shmi Hebrew and have given birth to three of his children. I have…

Beyond February: Embracing Our True Heritage

As we turn the page from February, a month designated to celebrate the history and achievements of African Americans, it’s vital to recognize that our history does not start nor…

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